Can a Dehumidifier Cause a Cough? Dry Air + Breathing = Big Trouble

We all know that having a dehumidifier in your home is good for you, but it can make you sick.

Dehumidifiers are great because they help keep mold and mildew at bay, but the moisture that’s removed from the air also leaves behind a musty smell. This can cause coughs and other health issues if left unchecked.

Can A Dehumidifier Cause A Cough?

It is possible to be allergic to moisture in the air. If you are experiencing any dry cough, nasal congestion, or general feeling unwell when exposed, this could be why.

A dehumidifier can make your symptoms worse by creating an environment where mold thrives on with little airflow, making them more likely than ever before for itchy eyes and wheezing, among other things.

Talk about frustrating, wouldn’t you say? But do not worry

Because there are ways around these issues, just like how cooking meat thoroughly will kill off bacteria.

So too does extreme heat assure that molds will not grow, proving most effective methods whenever possible is always best.

Can a Dehumidifier Make a Cough Worse?

Maintaining the optimum humidity level in your home is critical for quicker relief from coughing. Too much or too little moisture can worsen coughs, so it’s essential to understand how and when to use dehumidifiers and humidifiers correctly. A hygrometer will help you measure room dampness levels – the optimal range is between 30-50%. You may be tempted to run a dehumidifier if dry air is causing irritation, but remember that adjusting temperatures incorrectly can adversely affect nasal congestion associated with colds/flu.

How Do Dehumidifiers Help With The Cough

By Adding Moisture To The Air

A dehumidifier can help with dry air, providing you relief from a cough. This is because it adds moisture to the atmosphere and makes people feel better by reducing inflammation in their respiratory system.

Many families find themselves constantly battling winter colds due to low humidity levels caused mainly by heating appliances like stoves or microwave ovens, which take away all sense of ease when breathing out.

This type of climate-control device helps create an environment more welcoming towards these ailments.

By Adding Humidity To Dry

dehumidifiers can help with the dryness of indoor air, especially if you have a cough.

When moisture is added to cold and stagnant room temperature, it will feel warmer on your skin because humidity naturally makes up water molecules in our atmosphere.

Do not forget this critical fact! Humidity enters homes through windows as well.

Producing Mucus

dehumidifiers can help reduce the severity of a cough by making it easier for your throat and chest cavity to produce mucus.

Mucus is like the glue that holds water droplets together, which makes up most of our body’s protection system.

Not only will this keep us healthier; but it also helps with breathing as we inhale these protective liquids into our lungs where they evaporate away more quickly than surface-level air does.

This way, even if you have been running outside in 80 degrees Fahrenheit heat without any clothes on for hours under an African sun.

You will not catch pneumonia from just one deep breath when coming back inside later.

What Causes Dry Cough?


Coughing is not only a sign of infection, but allergies can also cause it.

Dry coughs are common in those who suffer from pollen and other environmental factors such as dust or fumes that irritate your airways and make you want to clear them out with an uncontrollable hack-like sound at night while sleeping.

The symptoms for this type appear more often than wetter-sounding ones because they are less noticeable during daytime hours when we are typically outside breathing ambient levels.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which can lead to a dry cough.

There are several types, including otitis, that affect the ears and throat area as well as other parts inside your mouth or nose depending on where it starts.

Leading many people who have this condition to believe they are having something else entirely instead.

Sinus infections

The symptoms of a sinus infection can be dry cough and mucous production.

These symptoms are due to increased pressure in the airways, which usually causes sneezing as well.

Because it is normal for us humans when we inhale our warm moist breath out with great force through those same tiny holes at either side just below where our nose meets the lip area, but not always.

Wrapping Up!

A dehumidifier is a machine that helps control moisture in the air. It can be used to help with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems.

Some people have reported an increased cough when using a dehumidifier at night because it removes excess humidity from the air, which can cause the drying of mucous membranes in your throat or lungs.

If you are experiencing this side effect after using a humidifier for more than three days, contact your doctor immediately as there may be something else going on.

Let us know if you have experienced any unexplained coughing since starting to use your new appliance.

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