How to Dehumidify a Bathroom Naturally – Six Different Ways

Decorating the wall with wallpapers and expensive tiles- but they end up ruined by mold production in just a few months. Reason? Excessive humidity. Several hand washing, daily showers, and washing make a bathroom humid. Leaving the condition on its own will worsen the situation. Don’t let the humidity trapped in the bathroom. Let us check out how to dehumidify a bathroom naturally.

How to Dehumidify a Bathroom Naturally – Six Different Ways

How to Dehumidify a Bathroom Naturally?

Not one or two, but we got you covered with six different ways to dehumidify a bathroom. 

1.   Try leaving the door and windows open

Let’s start with some basic tips. Keeping the room tightly closed, either bedroom or bathroom prevents fresh air from entering. Try leaving the door open when no one is using the toilet.

If leaving the door open seems creepy, leave the windows open then. This practice will prevent the moisture from locking inside the bathroom. 

2.   Use Exhaust Fan

Some of us have a bathroom linked with the bedroom. Leaving the door open will allow the smell to enter the bedroom, which you don’t want. Install an exhaust fan in the bathroom.

Whether showering or pooping, turn the exhaust fan to evade air from locking inside the room. Besides that, leave the exhaust fan on for 15-20 minutes once you are done showering. It will help dry the room swiftly.

3.   Opt for Cooler Shower

Ever noticed how smoky and misty the bathroom looks after you are done taking a hot shower? This humidity is the main reason behind excessive moisture in the bathroom.

Try taking short and cool showers in summer. Cool water releases less humidity compared to hot water. Besides that, a cool shower session regains energy and brings positive vibes to the body.

4.   Mop the floor frequently

Water staying on the floor will make the room slippery and increase the humidity in the air. Mop the floor and counter every time you are done using the bathroom.

Wiping the tiles and counter is undoubtedly time and energy-consuming, but you will see a visible difference afterward. Use towel pieces to get the task done. The bonus point of doing this practice is to get rid of watermarks on the walls.

5.   Remove damp items

Have a detailed inspection of the bathroom to figure out what objects are causing excessive humidity in the bathroom. That object can be your laundry basket filled with sweaty clothes or hanging wet towels.

Don’t hang the wet towels in the bathroom; prefer hanging them in the laundry area. The wet hanging towels will promote bacterial growth in the air; little did you know.

6.   Install dehumidifier

Tired of trying all tactics and tips but nothing works? Install a dehumidifier in the bathroom. A dehumidifier is a practical, cost-efficient, and space-saving option that instantly kicks out the bathroom’s humidity. The dehumidifier will circulate warm air in the room, which will help reduce the moisture.

Can You Dehumidify a Bathroom? – Tips and Tricks to Get Rid of Excess Moisture

Suppose you’ve been living in your new house for some time now, and have been noticing that the humidity in the bathroom has been steadily increasing ever since you moved in. If you’re not quite sure what to do about this, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to fix it, but it requires taking the right actions at the right time.

The goal of this article is to help you assess your humidity problem and come up with an effective solution that eliminates the excess moisture from your bathroom once and for all.

6 Tips to Help Dehumidify Your Bathroom:

  1. Open up all windows in your home and let in some fresh air (it can also help if you turn on fans in other rooms).
  2. Keep your bathroom door open as much as possible (as long as it’s safe) so it can get plenty of ventilation too.
  3. Hang clothes or towels outside near a window so they can absorb some moisture from outside air.
  4. Place bowls of white rice around your bathroom, which will naturally absorb excess moisture in the air.
  5. Run hot water for at least five minutes before taking a shower or bath, which can help remove excess humidity from your space.
  6. If you have an evaporative cooler, set it to dry mode while you’re away at work or sleeping at night so that it can dry out any extra moisture that might be lingering in your bathroom during those times when no one is using it.

Tips & Warnings: *Be sure not to use these methods when children are present; hot water can cause burns!

What are some quick tips I can use right now to get rid of the moisture in my bathroom?

Humidity can make your bathroom feel gross, but luckily it’s easy to fix with a dehumidifier. There are several types, so you’ll need to know which one is best for your needs . If you want to take care of excess moisture right away, get a portable unit that can be moved from room to room. For an entire house or larger space, consider getting a whole-house model instead. Once you have your unit picked out, follow these tips:

  1. Keep windows open while running dehumidifiers – This will help them run more efficiently and effectively. In addition, keeping windows open can help circulate air in other parts of your home as well!
  2. Make sure there’s adequate drainage – Place pans under any leaking pipes or faucets so they don’t cause water damage on floors or walls.
  3. Don’t let your dehumidifier run while you’re away – If you plan to be gone for an extended period, turn off your dehumidifier. Running it while no one is home can waste energy and leave your house damp when you return.
  4. Clean up spills quickly – Spills left unattended can lead to mold, which will make your bathroom feel even more humid than before!
  5. Consider adding a dehumidifier in other rooms too – Humidity tends to build up in places like basements, laundry rooms, garages, attics, and more. If these areas are feeling extra damp, consider getting a dehumidifier for them as well!


See? How simple it is to dehumidify a bathroom. With the six different approaches for how to dehumidify a bathroom naturally, make sure to eliminate the mold and bacterial production at max. 


How do I keep excess moisture out in the first place instead of having to constantly solve the problem with dehumidifying products?

Sometimes excess moisture in your bathroom can be caused by poor ventilation, especially if you don’t have an exhaust fan. If possible, try increasing airflow in your bathroom by installing a ceiling fan or two. It can also help to crack open windows when it’s warm outside.

What is humidity and how does it affect my bathroom?

Humidity is defined as water vapor in the air. The more humidity there is, the higher concentration of water vapor is in air. Since warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, areas that are hotter will have higher humidity levels. Inside your home, high humidity can create conditions for mold growth, mildew formation and structural damage such as wood rot or ceiling collapse.

Why is there moisture in my bathroom when there’s no windows, shower or tub?

The bathroom is probably one of, if not THE most humid room in your home. The heat from showering or taking a bath will cause moisture to build up on ceilings, walls, floors or near appliances such as toilets and sinks. This excess moisture can become problematic when it begins attracting unwanted pests such as black mold, silverfish or ants. It can also cause wallpaper peeling, paint chipping and even water stains on your ceiling!

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