Where to Place a Dehumidifier in Grow Tent?

If any area is suffering from extra humidity, it does no good. In fact, it has harmful effects like mold, mildew, bad odor, and rust. When it comes to the grow tent, it is essential to install a dehumidifier so you can keep your plants protected from extra moisture and the problems accompanied by it. 

It is a common question by gardeners whether to place a dehumidifier in a grow tent? You are lucky to come to the right page as we have the best answer and other essential details to make you aware of. Choosing the right dehumidifier and then using it the right way is the only rescue you can do for your plants that are on a threat by high moisture levels. You can read the article about Best Dehumidifier For Grow Tent.

Best Location for a Dehumidifier in a Grow Tent? 

The best location of a dehumidifier in a grow tent depends upon many factors that include the size of the room, number of plants, air filters, fan speed, type, and other features of the unit. You have to do a deep analysis before you choose a better place.  

If your dehumidifier has high efficiency and a high fan speed, and the area is limited, then you can place it above lights. If your area is large, then you would need more units. You should focus on their precise placement to provide your grow tent with an equal dehumidifying condition. 

If you place it unevenly, then at one zone of the room, there would be controlled humidity, and at the other end, the plants would be suffering from extra humidity water. So, to get the best results and save all plants, keep in mind these two main tips for locating the unit in your tent. 

Additionally, you can also place your dehumidifier outside of a grow tent, but it depends on its type. If it is a whole house or ducted unit, then you can use this option. We suggest you consult an expert and first realize whether you should place it outside or not.  

How Long Should you Run a Dehumidifier in a Grow Tent? 

The time needed for the operation of a dehumidifier depends entirely on your tent needs. Typically, the growers turn on the operation for twelve to fourteen hours to keep optimum humidity. 

If your humidity level is very high and it keeps on increasing higher, then you might run the dehumidifier all day. This also depends upon the pint capacity of your unit. It is the daily moisture extraction capacity. So, running the unit depends upon how much extra moisture is in your air in twenty hours. 

When You Need a Dehumidifier in a Grow Tent? 

The growth is not a natural environment where the excess moisture level is under control naturally. When you water your plants, there is an alternation in the humidity level of your tent. 

Following are a few signs that you can be aware of when you need a dehumidifier in your to-grow tent. 

Damp Place 

If you are living in a damp place, then you should never give a second thought to installing a dehumidifier in your grow room. You can also use a hygrometer to check the extra humidity level. If it is above 55%, then you need to install the unit soon to save your plants from damage. 


Even if your area is not damp, you can still have a high humidity level. If you see the water condensation in droplets on your windows, walls, or doors, then the humidity is not under control, and you need to fix it with a dehumidifier. 


Mold is very dangerous for both your tent interior and the plants in it. It can cause huge damage if it is not treated in time. It is the result of extra moisture, and you should install the dehumidifier so you can easily fight it back and protect your place. 


It is also very fatal for the plants as it is a fungus that can grow very fast. This also results from having high levels of humidity in a room. A dehumidifier is the only easy solution to save yourself from great losses.  

Bad odor 

Bad odor is something that can be realized very easily. It doesn’t hide in a corner but discomforts the people coming into the room with a very bad smell. It becomes hard to breathe, and you cannot spend your hours comfortably. 

In this way, the plants are at a threat due to lower attention than needed, and there is extra water to damage them. So, if you get to know only bad odor, you need a dehumidifier even then. 

Restricted growth of plants

If you see that your plants are not growing, then one reason might be the extra moisture in the atmosphere. The water in the air might affect it, and you need a dehumidifier soon to fix it as you will lose all your expensive plants. 

How to Choose the Best Dehumidifier in a Grow Tent

To get the best results, you should use the dehumidifier by following the buying guide mentioned below. 

Pint Capacity 

If you want to get the compatible pint capacity, you need to analyze your tent first. It also depends upon your daily water amount as plants transpire 97% of the water they take. If you give ten gallons of water to the plants daily, you need a pint capacity to remove ten gallons daily from the atmosphere. 

You can also analyze it using a hygrometer and keep a record for a week to know the average extraction needed daily.  


The size of your grow tent must be compatible with the area capacity to get better results. If it is very large and you need many units, you can combine their area capacities to meet your area demand. 

If your area is 5000 square feet then you must have the dehumidifier with area capacities equal to 5000 square feet. 

Fan Speed 

The fan speeds help to make the process of drying efficient. The market has an option for two fan speeds and three fan speeds. We recommend you get the unit with three fan speeds as it would be more adjustable, and you can choose any one of them according to your needs. 

Drainage options 

The choice of drainage options also depends upon your needs. If you can manage direct drainage, then it is the best option as it is continuous and effortless. If you cannot use it as you might not choose to put the drain hose out, you can choose the manual one with a water tank. 

We recommend you choose the unit with a large tank capacity, so you don’t have to supervise it all the time. The one with an automatic shut-off is preferable. 


A dehumidifier is the only best solution to fight mold, rust, bad odor, mildew, mold, extra moisture, and stunted growth of your plants in a grow tent. You should locate it according to the guidelines mentioned above that include the option of overhead lights if the unit is one, outside with ducted or whole house type, and evenly placement with many units. 

It is a small investment that will make the atmosphere of your tent very ideal, and the plants will grow at a more efficient rate without any threat of mold, infections, or other problems that are accompanied by higher levels of humidity. 

We wish you luck with your next purchase of a dehumidifier. 


What is a good pint capacity for a grow tent?

The pint capacity of a dehumidifier in a grow tent doesn’t have any ideal value. It entirely depends upon your need. If the extra water in the atmosphere is five gallons daily, then you need to remove this by choosing the same pint capacity. 

A good pint is usually above 50 pints for such areas as the number of the plants is more and the atmosphere is very different than of a common room in your house. 

Does the weight of a dehumidifier matter in a grow tent? 

Although the weight of the dehumidifier doesn’t affect the efficiency of the operation at all still, you should always consider it because it can cause you problems while moving and cleaning the unit if it is heavy. 

Lower weight will help you to easily transport it and change its position without putting a lot of effort. 

What is the price range of a dehumidifier that can work best for a grow tent?  

The grow tent dehumidifiers are usually high potential units, and so they tend to be more expensive than ordinary ones. It starts from 300 and goes up to 1000. It depends on the area capacity and efficiency you have to choose. 

We recommend you to choose the unit with energy efficiency as it will cost you less by its less utility usage, and you would be worry-free while operating the unit for long hours. 

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